Monday, 4 October 2010

Analysis of 'Buried' teaser trailer

The teaser trailer for the film 'Buried' is very simplistic, however it creates an interesting and exciting buzz around the film's storyline.

Firstly, the trailer lasts approximately one minute and twelve seconds, this including opening credits of the production company at the beginning. Althought the teaser is reasonably short they succesfully advertise and sell the film within this short time.

What is most interesting about this film trailer is that majority of it is just in darkness, it is not untill the almost end of the trailer where a small amount of light is created from a lighter. This is the first glimse of any 'life' in the trailer that the audince sees. This use of limiting the mise-en-scene elements in the film, adds to the sense of mystery. The trailer has an overlay of the character speaking, through his tone of voice and the dialogue that he is saying, there is an eerie atmosphere created, this is greatly emphasised by the darkness. The audience can see that he is in some kind of wooden box 'buried' under, what appears to be, ground. From this image there is a great sense of claustrophobia, not only for the character but for the audience viewing the trailer.

Adding to all the hype from the effectiveness of the trailer content, there is also a pre-detrmined audience targeted as the well know actor Ryan Reynolds is starring in the main role. Having the trailer this simple leaves the audience with wonder as it makes the trailer more intriguing and creates an intense anticipation for the films release.

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